Earth Day Letter Maze Worksheets

If your preschoolers and kindergarteners are learning the ABC’s this April, grab these free printable Earth Day Letter Maze Worksheets!

Through this activity, your pre-readers work on letter recognition, visual discrimination, and fine motor skills.

You can also teach them Earth Day vocabulary such as recycle bin, Earth, and recycle sign.

Letter Search Activity

If you are a classroom teacher or homeschool parent, simply print these no-prep worksheets for a fun activity that will engage and entertain your kids.

This letter recognition activity can be used for independent or guided practice by your preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Getting Ready To Use The Earth Day Letter Maze Worksheets:

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What’s Included:

  • 5 Earth Day Letter Maze Worksheets
    • Bb is for Recycle Bin
    • Ee is for Earth
    • Pp is for Plant
    • Rr is for Recycle Sign
    • Tt is for Tree

What Else Is Needed:

For a reproducible activity:

For a reusable activity:

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to get the Earth Day preschool worksheets emailed to you.

Next, download and print the worksheets on copy paper and make copies for all your students.

Earth Day Worksheets

If you want your children to reuse these worksheets, print them on white card stock and laminate the printables or place them in dry erase pockets.

How To Use The Earth Day Letter Maze Printables:

For this letter recognition activity, your preschoolers will first say the names the capital and lowercase letters on the top of their worksheet. They can also trace the letters.

Next, your children will identify the Earth Day-themed picture. You can teach them that the picture begins with the sound that the letter makes. 

Worksheets for Preschool

Your pre-readers will then begin at the “start” or the first box on the worksheet and color it in with a dot marker or crayons. 

They will continue coloring the boxes with the same capital and lowercase letters as they follow the letters through the maze.

Letter Recognition Activity

If you laminated the printables or put them in dry erase pockets, kids can color the letters using a dry erase marker.

They can cover the letters with small manipulatives such as mini erasers, pom poms, or counters too.

If your children pick the “Ee is for Earth” worksheet. They will color or cover the capital letter E in the first box.

Then, they will work through the maze and color or cover all the capital and lowercase letter Ee’s until they reach the “finish.”

Why Are Visual Discrimination Skills Important?

Many of the letters of the alphabet look similar, so it can be difficult for pre-readers to learn their names.

It is important for them to be able to recognize and discriminative between the letters by their shapes.

Using activities like these letter maze worksheets is a fun way for your kids to develop visual discrimination skills and practice identifying capital and lowercase letters.

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Preschool Worksheets

You May Also Like These Earth Day Activities:

Get your students to think, read, and write about how they can help the Earth with this bundle of fun, low-prep Earth Day Activities!

In this packet, you will receive an Earth Day craftivity, writing prompt with a brainstorming web and vocabulary cards, two emergent readers for different levels, and an Earth Day crown that your students can make.

Click on the picture to learn more about the activities in this bundle!

Download the Earth Day Letter Maze Worksheets:

To get the Earth Day Letter Maze Worksheets emailed to you, fill out the form below.

Need help? Try these Downloading & Printing Tips!