Gingerbread Man Letter Match

Are you looking for Gingerbread Man Activities for your kids to do? Try this Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity! Your preschoolers will work on learning the ABC’s and develop their fine motor skills in one activity!


Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity


Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity:

Not only is this gingerbread man themed activity an interactive way for pre-readers to practice letter recognition, but it’s also a great way for them to develop their fine motor skills. By connect the cards together using connect links, they will work on their hand and eye coordination, finger muscle strength, and much more. 


Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity


Getting Ready To Do The Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity:

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What’s Included:

  • 26 Capital Letter Cookie Cards
  • 26 Lowercase Letter Milk Cards


What Else Is Needed:

  • White Card Stock or Copy Paper
  • Laminator and Laminating Pouches
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch
  • Connect Links or Math Links


To prepare this letter recognition activity, fill out the form below to get the printables in your inbox. After receiving the email, download and print the letter cards. I like to print my resources on white card stock because it is more durable. But, you can use white copy paper too.


Next, laminate the cards for extra durability and so your kids can use this activity over and over. Then, cut the cards apart and punch holes on all of the black dots.


Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity


You can store the cards and connect links in a pencil box or pouch for a literacy center that is easy to set-up and use. If you don’t have connect links, you can cut a pipe cleaner in pieces that are about 3 inches long. Then, bend the pieces into ovals shapes to create your own links. 


How To Do The Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity:

To begin this letter match activity, your kids will select a capital letter card and identify the letter on it. Next, they will sort through the cards to find the matching lowercase letter. They will then connect the two cards together using connect links or math links. Your kids will continue connecting the cards until they have matched all of the capital and lowercase letters together.


Letter Recognition Activity


If your pre-readers are just starting to learn the letters of the alphabet, you can start with just a few cards and then add more as their letter knowledge increases. 


Fine Motor Activity


This Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity is a fun, hands-on way for kids to practice matching capital and lowercase letters and work on developing their fine motor skills!



Pin It For Later:

Do you want to save this letter recognition resource for later? Pin this to your alphabet activities board on Pinterest and it’ll be here for when you’re ready!


Gingerbread Man Letter Match Activity


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