Letter Recognition: How To Teach The ABC's
ABC's of Literacy
Before children can learn how to read, they need to build the foundation and develop pre-reading skills including
Letter Recognition
Letter Recognition is the ability to recognize and name all of the lowercase and capital letters.
Children who know the letters can also distinguish between them.
Frequently Asked Questions About Teaching the ABC's:
Is My Child Ready To Learn The ABC’s?
Children need to visually discriminate or recognize the similarities and differences between the different letter shapes.
They also need to able to differentiate between straight and curved lines or tall and short letters.
What Order Should The Letters Be Taught?
When teaching your children the letters, you don’t have to introduce them in alphabetical order.
Only give them a few unknown letters to work on at a time. After they have mastered those letters, give them one or two more letters to learn until they know all 26!
Why Is Letter Recognition Important?
Being able to say the names of the letters quickly in sequential order will help children learn the sounds more easily.
Kids who can easily name the letters of the alphabet are also more motivated to learn about words and how to spell. They have an easier time learning to read too.
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For more ways to work on language skills, visit ABC's of Literacy
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