Polar Bear Onset & Rime Activity
Help the ice fishing polar bear catch some parts of words in this Polar Bear Onset & Rime Activity!
Winter literacy activities like this one are a fun way for your kids to learn different concepts and skills using a seasonal theme.
With this resource, your preschoolers and kindergarteners will work on letter sounds, building words, and much more!

Learning onset and rime can help your young learners become better readers and spellers.
When your kids learn onset and rime, they are able to break words down into smaller parts.
This can help them when they are trying to read or spell a word, because they can sound out each part separately.
Getting Ready to Use the Polar Bear Onset & Rime Activity:
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What’s Included:
- 20 Polar Bear Onset & Rime Card Sets
What Else Is Needed:
- White Card Stock
- Scissors
- Laminator
- Laminating Pouches
- Fasteners (optional)
To prepare this activity for your kids to use, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
After receiving the email with the printables, download and print the polar bears and fish on white card stock or copy paper.

Then, laminate the printables and cut out the polar bears and fish.
You may want to attach fasteners such as Velcro dots to the to the cards.
For even more fun, you can add the fish cards to a polar bear sensory bin.
How to Use the Polar Bear Onset & Rime Activity:
For this activity, your kids will select a ice fishing polar bear card and identify the picture on the pail.

Next, they will sort through the fish cards to find the beginning and end parts of the word.

Your young learners will then put fish on the card under the polar bear.
If your students pick the card with the cat on the pail, for example, they will look for the two fish cards with “c” and “at.”

When your children find the fish cards used to build the word, they will put them under the polar bear.

This Polar Bear Onset and Rime Activity is a fun way for your preschoolers and kindergarteners to work letter sounds, building words, and more!
More Polar Bear Literacy Activities:
Are you looking for more polar bear-themed activities for your kids? Here are our favorite books and literacy resources.
Polar Bear Books for Kids:
Pair these fiction and non-fiction books about polar bears with this activity to extend the learning.
Polar Bears by Gail Gibbons
National Geographic Readers: Polar Bears by Laura Marsh
Polar Bear Island by Lindsay Bonilla
Polar Bear Literacy Activities for Kids:
With these themed activities, your students can practice letter recognition, sigh words, and much more.
Polar Bear Sight Word Activity
Polar Bear Spin & Stamp Letters Activity
Polar Bear Letter Match Activity
You May Also Like These Winter Morning Tubs:
Your preschoolers and kindergarteners will have fun learning with these themed Winter Morning Tubs!
From letter matching to shape recognition, your kids will work on a variety of important literacy and math skills.
Click on the picture to learn more about the 10 resources that are included in this bundle!

Download the Polar Bear Onset and Rime Activity:
To get the printables for the Polar Bear Onset and Rime Activity emailed to you, fill out the form below.
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