Hibernating Bear Alphabet Game

In this Hibernating Bear Alphabet Game, your students will work on learning the ABC’s as they look for the hibernating bear. 

It’s a fun game for your preschoolers and kindergarteners to play with a partner or in a small group.

You can add this activity to your hibernation unit and use it for literacy centers or small group instruction. 

Letter Naming Activity

If your children are just starting to learn the ABC’s, start with just a few lowercase or capital letter cave cards.

As their letter knowledge increases, you can add more letter cards every time your kids play.

After your preschoolers know all the letter names, you can mix the lowercase and capital letter cards together for extra practice.

Your children can also select a card by saying the sounds that the letter makes. 

Letter Identification Activity

Getting Ready To Use The Hibernating Bear Alphabet Game:

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What’s Included:

  • 26 Lowercase Letter Cave Cards
  • 26 Capital Letter Cave Cards
  • 9 Bear Cards
  • 1 Lowercase Letter Recording Sheet
  • 1 Capital Letter Recording Sheet

What Else Is Needed:

To prepare this letter recognition activity for your students, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

After receiving the email with the printables, download and print the cave and bear cards on card stock and the recording sheets on copy paper.

Learning the ABC's

Then, laminate the cave and bear cards and cut all the pieces apart. 

Finally, make copies of the recording sheets for all of your students. 

How To Use The Hibernating Bear Alphabet Game:

For this alphabet game, your children will play with one other person or in a small group.

One person will set up either the lowercase or capital letter cave cards on the playing surface. 

That person will also hide one bear card under one cave all the other players are not looking. 

Letter Recognition Activity

The children will then take turns saying the name of one lowercase or capital letter that they see on the cave cards. 

They will lift up the card to see if the bear is sleeping in that cave.

Alphabet Game

If the bear is not under that cards, the kids will trace that letter on the recording sheet. 

They will continue to pick letter cave cards and record their responses until they find the sleeping bear and win the game!

Letter Game

This Hibernating Bear Alphabet Game is a fun way for your preschoolers to practice identifying lowercase and capital letters this winter. 

More Hibernating Animals Literacy Activities:

If your children are learning about hibernating animals this winter, you can read picture books such as:

Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming

Bear Can’t Sleep by Karma Wilson

Baby Bear’s Not Hibernating by Lynn Plourde

You can also pair this resource with more themed activities like these:

Hibernating Animals Printable Book

Hibernating Bats Letter Order Activity

The Mitten Sequencing Activity

You May Also Like These Winter Morning Tubs:

Your preschoolers and kindergarteners will have fun learning with these themed Winter Morning Tubs!

From letter matching to shape recognition, your kids will work on a variety of important literacy and math skills.

Click on the picture to learn more about the 20 resources that are included in this bundle! 

Download the Hibernating Bear Alphabet Game:

Fill out the form below to get this winter-themed alphabet game emailed to you. 



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