Turkey Tracing Worksheets

Are you looking for a Thanksgiving pre-writing activity? These Turkey Tracing Worksheets are a terrific way for your preschoolers to practice their writing strokes. 

As they use these free printable preschool worksheets to practice their writing strokes, your kids can also work on their pencil grip and many other pre-writing skills.

Worksheets for Preschool

Turkey Tracing Worksheets:

Before learning how to write, your pre-writers need to learn the basic strokes and lines that are used to make the letters. 

Through simple activities like this one, your children practice making horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and curved lines.

As your kids practice writing the lines, they can also learn how to hold a pencil, develop their finger muscle strength, and much more.

Getting Ready To Use The Turkey Tracing Worksheets:

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What’s Included:

  • 5 Turkey Tracing Worksheets

What Else Is Needed:

  • White Card Stock or Copy Paper
  • Crayons or Markers

Optional Supplies:

To prepare this activity for your students, fill out the form below and download the printables. Next, print the worksheets that you want to use. 

Thanksgiving Preschool Worksheets

If you want your kids to reuse the printables, you can laminate the worksheets or place each one in a dry erase pocket. 

How To Use The Turkey Tracing Worksheets:

For this pre-writing activity, your preschoolers will select a printable and trace over the different lines on the turkey’s feathers using crayons or markers. 

Thanksgiving Tracing Activity

Your kids can use different colors on the feathers to create a colorful turkey. (If your kids have never seen a turkey, you can show them pictures of one and talk about the color of the feathers.)

Thanksgiving Pre-Writing Activity

In addition to using crayons or markers, your kids can also trace the lines using glitter glue or a paint pen. They can cover them using play dough too.

Thanksgiving Tracing Worksheets

With these Turkey Tracing Worksheets, your pre-writers can develop their fine motor skills, practice writing strokes, and much more this Thanksgiving.

Pin It For Later:

Do you want to save these tracing worksheets for later? Pin this to your pre-writing activities board on Pinterest and it’ll be here for when you’re ready!

Preschool Worksheets

More Thanksgiving Literacy Activities: 

There are many other educational activities that you kids can do for the upcoming holiday. You can read books about turkeys like these:

Turkey Trouble by Wendy Silvano

How to Catch a Turkey by Adam Wallace

10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnston

You can also pair this resource with more Thanksgiving-themed activities like these:

Letter T Turkey Craft

Turkey Cut & Paste Book

Turkey Building Letters Activity

You May Also Like Thanksgiving Morning Tubs:

Making learning “turkey-rific” with this set of fun, hands-on Thanksgiving Morning Tubs!

This bundle of November morning tubs includes 10 literacy and 10 math activities that are perfect for your preschoolers.

Click on the link or the picture to learn more about the activities included in this bundle!

Download The Turkey Tracing Worksheets:

To get this pre-writing activity for your young learners, sign up here: