Letter X Books

With these Letter X Books, you’ll have tons of great options to incorporate letter recognition into your daily reading!

Book lists for kids like this one are a great resource for quality books that you can use to teach your kids letter sounds, concepts of print, and other pre-reading skills too.

Book Lists for Kids

Whether you’re looking for a fun story, one to spark imagination, a look and find style, or a book that will teach phonics, this list has the perfect option!

With multiple award-winning books, the letter X has never been so much fun!

Where Can I Get These Letter X Books?

You’ll always be able to find all of the listed titles at Barnes and Noble or on Amazon, but have you checked your libraries?

You should be able to find some if not all of these books at your school or local library too.

Alphabet Books for Every Letter

How Will Letter X Books Help My Kids Learn The Letter?

Repetition is key in learning! Your kids will see and hear the letter on just about every page of each book listed.

The books will engage your young learners in different ways and one of them is intentional in teaching the letter X through phonics and more.

If you have your children point out all the X’s they find plus emphasize the sound it makes as you go, they are sure to have the hang of it in no time.

Alphabet Books

Letter X Activities for Kids:

Just like the books on this list, these fun letter X activities include words that begin with the letter or make the sound.

You May Also Like This Letter Recognition Activity:

These Capital Letter Strip Puzzles are a fun, hands-on way for kids to practice identifying and matching capital letters.

This activity can be used for morning tubs, literacy centers, or fine motor journals in any preschool or kindergarten classroom or homeschool.

Click on the picture below to learn more about this alphabet resource!

The following list has books with words that begin with X such as xylophone. There are also books with words that make the X sounds such as fox. Click on the picture to learn more about these stories!

Letter X Books for Kids

When you are teaching your children all about the letter X, what is your favorite book to read? Share it in the comment section below!