Letter Knowledge Assessment

As you are teaching letter recognition, track your children’s progress with this free printable Letter Knowledge Assessment recording sheet. 

With the easy-to-read letters and simple pictures, your kids will easily identify the ABC’s and sounds so you can accurately assess their recognition of the alphabet. 

Letter Recognition

Letter & Sound Knowledge Assessment:

Assessing children is important in figuring out what they know and what they still need to learn.

Determining their letter and sound knowledge can simply be done through every day learning activities and play. 

Letter Recognition Assessment Resource

A child who has letter knowledge…

  • Understands that each letter has its own shape
  • Names the letters of the alphabet
  • Recognizes capital and lowercase letters
  • Knows the letter sounds

Getting Ready To Use The Letter And Sound Assessment Form:

What’s Included:

  • Recording Sheets
  • Capital Letter Cards
  • Lowercase Letter Cards
  • Picture Cards 

What Else Is Needed:

  • White Card Stock or Copy Paper
  • Laminator
  • Laminating Pouches
  • Scissors
  • Rings (optional)
  • Hole Punch (optional)

To prepare this letter knowledge resource, click on the button at the bottom of this page and fill out the form.

After receiving the email with the free printables, download and print the recording sheet, letter cards, and pictures cards.

Next, laminate the cards so you can reuse this resource and cut them apart.

If you want your kids to use the cards to practice their letters and sounds, you can punch holes in the corners and put them on large rings. 

Letter Knowledge Assessment Resource

How To Use The Alphabet Recognition Assessment:

There are many ways to use this resource to assess your children’s letter knowledge.

You can use the letter cards and picture cards during your circle time, whole group instruction, or small groups to practice and test your kids’ letter knowledge.

You can start with just a few letters at a time and then add more letters as your students’ letter knowledge increases.

Letter Recognition Assessment

Then, you can also use the picture cards to check what sounds your children know and which ones they still need to learn.

You can show them a card and ask what sound the picture begins with.

You can also give your kids a sound and have them find the picture card that begins with that sound. 

Beginning Sound Assessment

Use the recording sheet to keep track of the capital and lowercase letters and sounds that your children know and still need to learn.

You can use it throughout the year to help you plan your lessons and activities so your kids will grow and learn.  

This free printables Letter Knowledge Assessment resource can be used by classroom teachers and homeschooling families to track your children’s knowledge of capital letters, lowercase letters, and letter sounds. 

Letter Knowledge Assessment Resource

More Letter Recognition Resources For Kids:

If you are looking for letter recognition activities to help your kids learn the ABC’s, try these fun, hands-on resources:

You May Also Like This Letter Recognition Activity:

These Letter Dot Painting Worksheets are a fun, hands-on way for your students to practice letter recognition and formation.

With this Bingo dauber activity, your kids will also work on work on their fine motor skills, pencil control, and much more. Click on the link or picture to learn more!

Download The Letter & Sound Knowledge Assessment: 

To get the letter and sound knowledge assessment form emailed to you, click on the button below and fill out the form. 


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